Ayurveda is utmost science of life. There are different kinds of drugs described in Ayurveda. Some are of metallic origin while some are of plant origin. Drugs of animal origin are also described and used with prominence. These drugs act on the basis of the principles of Ayurveda. Each drug has its own properties on the basis of which they perform their actions. These drugs are either used single or used in different combination of each other. In either of these cases, the drugs are effective and beneficial. Practice of both the types of drugs is popular since ancient time. Use of single drug, either of plant and animal origin or of metallic origin, has its own advantages in respect of effectiveness, cost effectiveness, palatability etc. The practice of single drug is no exception to the Obstetrics and gynaecology too. So far as Prasutitantra and Striroga is concerned, there are as much as 40 drugs described in various classical scriptures of Ayurveda.
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